Impact of Timor Moringa Extract (Moringa Olifera Timori) on Reducing Lipid Profiles of Hypertensive Patients in Kupang City
Background Hypercholesterolaemia in the blood causes atherosclerosis. Damage to the endothelium of blood vessels is one of the triggers for coronary heart disease, hypertension, and stroke. Moringa leaves contain β-sitosterol, flavonoids, and vitamin C. Anthocyanins have evidence of preventing blood dyslipidaemia and lowering total cholesterol levels in patients with yslipidemia. Dyslipidaemia in plasma has an impact on changes in vasospasm and vasodilation of blood vessels. The purpose of this study was to see the effectiveness of giving moringa leaf capsules as a complementary therapy in lowering total cholesterol levels in patients with dyslipidemia. The study employed an experimental randomised controlled trial with a single-blind technique of administering Timor Moringa extract. Results. The number of patients with moringa leaf capsule therapy and placebo therapy was 40 participants. Each group was given 1000 mg of moringa leaf capsules and placebo capsules divided into 2 doses, each 500 mg/c capsule for 30 days. Measurement of total cholesterol levels was carried out before therapy, which was measured on day 0, followed by after therapy, which was measured on day 0. The average total cholesterol level in the control group was 2.9 mg/dl with a P-value <0.05, indicating no significant decrease., while the average total cholesterol level in the treatment group was 40.9 mg/dl. This is a significant decrease with a P-value <0.05 so that moringa leaf capsules can reduce total cholesterol levels. The independent T-test between the control and treatment groups revealed a significant difference in the effectiveness of moringa leaf capsule therapy, with a P-value < 0.05, demonstrating the ability of moringa leaf capsules to reduce total cholesterol levels. Conclusion: That the administration of moringa extract has a significant impact on lowering lipid profile levels. Suggestion: In hypertensive patients with complications of dyslipidaemia, the author recommends consuming moringa extract .
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