Octapace Cultural Dimensions And Employee Contextual And Task Performance Measures
Several studies have been conducted in the past with regards to researching the predictors and factors of organizational culture and job performance. The present investigation was necessary since there are few studies linking organisational culture using OCTAPACE cultural dimensions with contextual and task performance measures in the hospitality sector. This study intends to investigate how organisational culture affects employee performance. A multistage sampling procedure was used to carry out the study in the state of Kerala. A standardised questionnaire was used to gather the responses from 290 hotel staff members. The outcomes of multiple regression demonstrated that the cultural dimensions influence employee performance through different cultural dimensions. Employees perform better in context and on tasks when they are trusted, experimentation, and autonomy are important organisational culture sub-variables that have been identified as major determinants. According to the study, culture affects how well individuals perform on tasks and in context. Government and commercial organisations can apply the study's results in practise to boost employee productivity in the hospitality sector. The study's findings can be used to guide future research. The study sheds light on the ways and degrees to which cultural factors might influence contextual and task performance. The current study advances the body of knowledge by examining how culture affect task and contextual job performance. The study's findings may be used by managers and policymakers to enhance organisational culture and employee performance in the hotel industry. Future research is made possible by this work.
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