Isolation and Evaluation of Antibacterial Agents Produced by Soil Bacillus SP. and Study Some of their Immunological Parameters

  • Mohammad J. Al-Jassani Department of Forensic Science, College of Science / Al-Karkh University of Science/Iraq
  • Mohammed Abdulkadhim Sayah Al-Manara College For Medical Sciences/ (Maysan)/Iraq
  • Maytham T. Qasim Department of Anesthesia, College of Health and Medical Technology, Al-Ayen University, Thi-Qar, Iraq
  • Abed J. Kadhim Al-Nisour University College/Iraq
  • Entsar Hachim Muhammad Department of Medical Laboratory Technics, AlNoor University College, Nineveh, Iraq
Keywords: Bacillus, DTH- skin test, antimicrobial activity, neutrophils, lymphocytes


A total of 120 soil samples were gathered from various locations in Iraq's Babylon province. Thirty Bacillus isolates were collected, purified, and identified based on morphological and biochemical characteristics. Antimicrobial activity was assessed on all isolates against Gram-positive and negative pathogenic bacteria through primary screening. The results obtained that 10 isolated have such potential. Secondary metabolic products were extracted from extracellular and tested for their activity against pathogenic bacteria using the well diffusion method in secondary screening. Three isolates (MA3, HI-11 & AM-15) had diameters more than 1 mm were considered to be potential isolates and were subjected for immune study. Antigens derived from secondary metabolic products (antibacterial agents) were generated and tested in local rabbits using the DTH-skin test and differential white blood cells. Six animals of both sexes were randomly assigned to one of two antigen groups in the first group (3 rabbits). After 14 days, a booster dose in the same amount was administered. The second group, consisting of three animals, was used as a control group. No significant differences were found in the DTH-skin test (P< 0.05) were recorded between the concentrations 15mg/ml and 7.5mg/ml after 24, 48, and 72 hrs., but there was a significant differences P<0.05) between these concentrations and 7.5 mg/ml and 3.75 mg/ml and control site. There was no significant difference between all types of cells (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, and eosinophils) of immunized and control groups.


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How to Cite
Al-Jassani, M. J., Sayah, M. A., Qasim, M. T., Kadhim, A. J., & Muhammad, E. H. (2022). Isolation and Evaluation of Antibacterial Agents Produced by Soil Bacillus SP. and Study Some of their Immunological Parameters. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 23(4), 105 - 111. Retrieved from