Medical-Surgical Management of Balanoposthitis of 42 Bulls in Tropical Conditions (2018-2020)
Balanoposthitis is a chronic inflammatory process, in which the preputial mucosa prolapses due to trauma and, consequently, the narrowing of the canal and the non-externalization of the penis (phimosis), which is of main importance in the tropics where extensive cattle ranching becomes frequent. Therefore, the objective was to describe the medical-surgical management of cases of balanoposthitis in bulls from the state of Veracruz, Mexico, under tropical conditions between 2018 and 2020. This study was carried out in bovine production systems in the state of Veracruz, where the diagnosis and monitoring of 42 bulls with acute, chronic, and severe balanoposthitis were carried out, for which they were given medical and/or surgical attention, according to their condition. Their evolution after the surgical intervention, and subsequent return to reproductive life, were analyzed. Of the cases analyzed, 9.5% had acute balanoposthitis, 40.7% had severe balanoposthitis, and 49.8% had chronic balanoposthitis. In 95.2% of the cases presented, surgical management was necessary, and the remaining 4.8% was managed only with medications, 33.3% of the bulls were not re-entered the reproductive programs due to their advanced condition, as they presented preputial stenosis and ventral paraphimosis. Finally, the surgical medical treatment scheme allowed 66.6% of the bulls to re-enter the reproductive programs. Given the relevance of the disease in bovine production systems, the reincorporation of males to their reproductive activities represents the opportunity to extend their useful life in the herd, avoiding possible delays in reproductive calendars.
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