Efficiency of Purified Prodigiosin Pigment from Serratia Marcescens as Bioremediator of Contaminated Soils and Burned Motor Oil with Hydrocarbons
Serratia marcescens red pigment prodigiosin (PG) has been identified as a bioactive secondary metabolite that can be employed as a bioremediator. The prodigiosin red pigment was developed in several Serratia marcescens isolates from water. This pigment was extracted at higher quantities using a 1:2 (v/v) mixture of ethanol and methanol, yielding 53.8 mg/ml. The use of 100g/ml prodigiosin on contaminated soil improved the removal of hydrophobic pollutants (48%) from polluted soil more effectively than 150 mg/ml burned motor oil (32%. The proportion of hydrocarbon degradation was also increased by extending the incubation time, reaching 67 percent in polluted soils and 55 percent in burned motor oil after 96 hours, respectively. As a result, bioremediation with prodigiosin pigment has become a normal practice, as biological treatments are more efficient in eliminating waste and protecting natural resources, as well as being more cost-effective.
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