Inhibition of Catheter Biofilm-Acquired Urinary Tract Infections by Purified Pyoverdine from Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Agricultural Soils
One of the most prevalent healthcare-acquired diseases is catheter-acquired urinary tract infection because of use of catheters can result in the introduction of bacteria into the bladder. Pyoverdine production was assessed qualitatively and quantitatively in all Pseudomonas spp. isolates and in comparison to P. fluorescens, P. aeruginosa isolates produced the most pyoverdine, ranging from 1.45 to 2.23 %. Pyoverdine was purified on a Sephadex G-150 column and produced three peaks with pyoverdine levels of 2.13 to 4.54|%. The purified pyoverdine led to inhibition of biofilm formation with 62-85 % after 24 hours and increased to 69-89 % after 48 hours. The highest percentage of inhibition was found in Escherichia coli isolates, followed by 77 % in Enterococcus faecalis, while lesser inhibition was found in Proteus mirabilis at 62 %
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