The Role of Genetics in Fish Breeding and Its Impact on Production and Meat Quality

  • Tamboli YA Assistant Professor, School of Agricultural Sciences, Jaipur National University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • Apurva Kumar Joshi R Assistant Professor, Department of Bio Chemistry, School of Sciences, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University), Karnataka, India
  • Ritismita Devi Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Assam down town University, Guwahati, Assam, India
Keywords: Genetically modified, fish breeding, heritability, genetic diversity


Over the past 25 years, advances in biotechnology have enabled scientists to create animals that have been genetically modified (GM) for use in agriculture and medicine. The bulk of GM fish and animals are still in the research stage. In order to produce high-quality fish stocks and satisfy the rising worldwide demand for seafood, fish breeding is essential to the aquaculture sector. The business has undergone a revolution because to the use of genetics in fish breeding, which has improved desired features including growth rate, illness resistance, and environmental adaptation. The concepts and uses of genetics in fish breeding are summarized with an emphasis on the main methods and tactics used to accomplish the desired genetic advancements. Understanding genetic diversity, heritability, and connections is essential to understanding the principles of fish breeding. Breeders can find people with better features by using genetic variation as the foundation for selection. Heritability calculates the percentage of phenotypic diversity under the control of genes and sheds light on the possibility of genetic advancement. Breeders can better grasp the connections between various features and the likelihood of simultaneous selection using genetic correlations.


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How to Cite
Tamboli YA, Apurva Kumar Joshi R, & Ritismita Devi. (2023). The Role of Genetics in Fish Breeding and Its Impact on Production and Meat Quality. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 24(2), 59 - 66. Retrieved from