Maximizing Broiler Chicken Production through In Ovo Injection of Vitamin E: Effects on Performance and Immune Function
Investigations were done into how different L-ascorbic acid (LA) injection levels affected the embryos' capacity to hatch and how much LA remained in their serum after the injection. Four different treatment groups were created at random from a total of 980 Ross 708 broiler eggs: non-injected saltwater without LA, saline (SL) injected with LA, and SL carrying either 12 or 27 mg of LA. The eggs were given a 100 μL amount of sterile SL (0.90%), either by itself or when combined with a single of the dual LA levels, during the 18-day implantation (doi) stage. Also calculated were the amount of egg weight reduction from doi 0 to doi 12 to doi. To ascertain the stage of embryo mortality, a hatch residue study was carried out after candling. The hatchability of living embryonic eggs (HI) and the weight (BW) of the hatchlings were calculated at around 21 doi. Serum LA levels were measured using blood samples collected 6, and 24 hours after LA injection. No treatment group differed from the others in terms of serum LA concentrations, HI, or hatchling BW. In contrast to the groups receiving 12 mg of LA in SL and SL alone, the non-injected group of chicks exhibited a greater (p = 0.05) at hatching fatality of embryos. These findings imply that high doses of LA (12 and 25 mg) administered in ovo have a chance to enhance embryonic viability without having a deleterious impact on HI or serum LA contents. The prolonged duration of LA in the cornea of the eye and other relevant tissues when subjected to various amounts of supplementary LA requires more investigation.
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