Measuring the Effects of Rearing Systems on Gaoyou Duck Performance, Carcass Quality, and Meat Characteristics
The raising system is a significant non-genetic component that has a considerable impact on chicken output. In this study, comparing “Floor Rearing Systems (FRS), Net Rearing Systems (NRS), and Cage Rearing Systems (CRS)," researchers looked at growth performance, serum biochemical parameters, Gaoyou ducks' meat quality and carcass characteristics.
Methods: The FRS, net raising organizations, and then CRS groups were each comprised of 450 healthy male Gaoyou ducks that were 22 days old and had a similar average body weight. Age range for the trial was 22 to 84 days.
Results: Daily growth, average feed consumption, and feed-to-gain ratio were all greater for CRS ducks than for control ducks (P <0.03). FRS ducks' decreased drip loss and belly fat content also increased breast and gizzard yields and shear force (P 0.05). FRS ducks also had greater amounts of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and considerably lower levels of glucose, total protein, and triglycerides (P 0.05).
Conclusion: Gaoyou ducks' growth performance benefited with CRS, but the meat quality, carcass features, and several serum biochemical indicators benefited from FRS. The outcomes showed that both the CRS and FRS have advantages. As a result, the production goal and market demand should be considered while choosing an appropriate raising method.
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