An Analysis of Methane Production in Cows: The Role of Intake Levels and Corn Oil Supplementation

  • Nayana Borah Assistant Professor, Department of Life Sciences, School of Sciences, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University), Karnataka, Bangalore, India
  • Nibedita Talukdar Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Assam down town University, Guwahati, Assam, India
  • Juri Das Assistant Professor, School of Agricultural Sciences, Jaipur National University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Keywords: Cow, CH4, Digestion, Treatment


The impact of ad libitum and limit-fed diets on methane (CH4) formation was assessed using developing crossed calves [n - 180, body weight (BW) = 374 kg, SD = 31]. A randomised blocks architecture study with BW as a blocking variable tested a pair of treatments using 4 pens each therapy and 10 steers each pen. Interventions involved either limiting giving to 75% of ad libitum consumption or providing identical food at ad libitum consumption. On a Dry matter (DM) foundation, the meals was composed of 45 percent alfalfa, 55% sorghum silage, 40% modified distillers grains plus solubles, and 3% supplement. A finishing trial (n = 180; initial BW = 469 kg; SD = 35) was conducted after this trial to determine the impact of dietary maize oil on CH4 output. An experiment with a randomised complete block design had two treatments, each with four pens and 10 steers per pen. In the preceding treatment, BW blocked and rerandomized cattle. A control diet made up of 66 percent corn, 15 percent wet distilleries grains + solubles, 15 percent corn silage and 4 percent supplementation (on a DM ratio) served as the therapy. By injecting the oil from corn, the corn oil treatment replaced 3 percent of the maize. Airways form pens were continually obtained and rotated each six minutes while an environmental sampling had been collected during the pen observations using two pen-scale containers for measuring methane. Ad libitum fed calves gained more weight and consumed more DM by purpose than limitation fed animals (P =  0.01), but feed effectiveness did no change among groups (P = 0.40). Ad libitum-fed cows generated more CH4 (156 g/d) than limit-fed cows (126 g every steer/day), a difference of (P = 0.01). The body's weight advancements, and carcass characteristics during the completing test did not change by therapy (P = 0.14). Feeding OIL instead of CON resulted in lower intakes (P = 0.02), which increased the efficiency of feed (P = 0.02). When contrasted with CON-fed cattle (132 g each steer everyday), everyday combustion of CH4 was lower (P = 0.03) for animals given OIL (115 g every head). When measured as grammes of CH4 every kilogramme of ADG, gas was decreased (P = 0.01) by 17 percent for cows given OIL against CON. The reduction in intestinal CH4 generation (grammes each day) caused by giving maize oil at 3 percent of dietary DM could only be partly explained by a 3% drop in DMI. Adding maize oil to concluding meals and restricting ingestion in developing calves both result in a general reduction of CH4.


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How to Cite
Nayana Borah, Nibedita Talukdar, & Juri Das. (2023). An Analysis of Methane Production in Cows: The Role of Intake Levels and Corn Oil Supplementation. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 24(2), 409 - 426. Retrieved from