Genomic Outlining for Goat Wellness: Illuminating the Path to Illness Resilience

  • Manju bargavi SK, Anagha Mathad, Anushka Sharma
Keywords: Goat Wellness, Illness Resilience, Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), Livestock’s resilience


In the cattle and agricultural sectors, goats are essential to the production of meat, milk and fiber. Animal breeders' main goal is to increase the value of their domestic cattle as much as possible. However, they are affected by a number of diseases that can seriously affect their general health and productivity. A comprehensive analysis of the genetic control of resilience and genetic variants related to illnesses such as “natural coccidiosis, intestinal nematode, peste des petits ruminants (PPR) and scrapie” is necessary to tackle this problem. Breeders can increase livestock's resilience to disease by taking the appropriate steps, which will increase profits in the end. It combines functional and quantitative genomics, makes use of epidemiological forecasts as well as collects vast amounts of data within and across breeds. The study identifies genetic variations through “single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)," nucleotide insertions/deletions, gene rearrangements, duplications and copy number polymorphisms by utilizing modern genomic approaches. To gain insight into small ruminants' risk of disease, these variants will be examined for their effects on gene expression and protein function. The research seeks to establish a thorough comprehension of the way genetic factors impact vulnerability and resistance to diseases such as natural Coccidiosis, gastrointestinal nematode, PPR and Scrapie. According to the study, important genetic markers linked to disease resistance in small ruminants should be identified through the integrated genomic method.


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How to Cite
Manju bargavi SK, Anagha Mathad, Anushka Sharma. (2024). Genomic Outlining for Goat Wellness: Illuminating the Path to Illness Resilience. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 24(3), 82-88. Retrieved from