Quantitative Analysis of Historical Foot-and-Mouth Disease Data: Identifying Return-Associated Characteristics

  • Solomon Jebaraj, Nabeel Ahmad, Shaikh Adil
Keywords: Persistence, Carrier, Virus, Immunizations, Veterinarians, Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)


“Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD)” is extremely transmittable and has financial ramifications, it continues to be a major problem for cattle populations globally. This study analyzes historical FMD data quantitatively in-depth to identify trends, patterns and risk factors related to outbreaks. A subset of animals at the farms that housed adult dairy cattle (Farm A) and juvenile-yearling steers and heifers (Farm B) showed clinical signs of FMD, even though the cattle in these herds had received immunizations. The mature dairy cows at Farm B went extinct far faster than the younger animals at Farm A, with a mean extinction period for the carrier state of 15 months. Each month, the percentage of carrier animals will decrease by 0.02 percent. There was a temporary decline in sero-prevalence against FMDV non-structural proteins, but this was followed by a brief increase following multiple vaccinations. These results offer fresh perspectives on the host and viral elements connected to the FMDV carrier condition in the wild. The results are relevant to field veterinarians working on FMD response and control initiatives as well as government regulatory bodies.

Author Biography

Solomon Jebaraj, Nabeel Ahmad, Shaikh Adil

Solomon Jebaraj1*, Dr. Nabeel Ahmad2, Shaikh Adil3

*1Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Sceince and Information Technology, Jain (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, India, Email Id- solomon.j@jainuniversity.ac.in, Orcid Id- 0000-0002-3385-207X

2Professor, School of Allied Science, Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, Email Id- dean.soas@dbuu.ac.in, Orcid Id- 0000-0001-7525-0950

3Assistant Professor, Department of Dairy Technology, Parul Institute of Technology, Parul University, Limda, Vadodara-391760, Gujarat, India.Email id: adilshaikh36@yahoo.com; shaikh.adil23773@paruluniversity.ac.in, ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-98700-6073


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How to Cite
et al., S. J. (2024). Quantitative Analysis of Historical Foot-and-Mouth Disease Data: Identifying Return-Associated Characteristics . Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 24(4), 134-140. Retrieved from https://veterinaria.org/index.php/REDVET/article/view/447