Examining the Effect of Complementary feeding on Avian Biodiversity: A Comprehensive Analysis of Bird Species

  • Bindu Devi, Febin Prakash, Swati Singh
Keywords: Food, Anima fat, Mann- Whitney Tests, Species, Feeding Birds, habitat, Urban and Rural.


One of the most common interactions between humans and the environment is feeding birds, which has significant social and environmental implications. Utilizing a CVIP 2018 Birds Species test dataset, we gathered 27,000 individual birds from 51 species for our study. It examines the impact of extra food on avian biodiversity using an extensive species analysis of birds. Our goal is to explore the possible links between observed shifts in bird diversity and additive-related behaviors. It provides illumination on the ecological consequences of human activity in bird habitats and offers perspectives on methods for conservation.For statistical analysis we use the methods Mann-Whitney tests, and the Shannon-Wiener index. The article presents a description of seven different bird feeding methods: handout (HO), waste bins (WB), green places (GP), livestock feed (LF), automatic seed feeder (ASF), animal fat (AF), and freezing food (FF). We provide both urban and rural bird feeders together with information on their distribution.


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How to Cite
Bindu Devi, Febin Prakash, Swati Singh. (2024). Examining the Effect of Complementary feeding on Avian Biodiversity: A Comprehensive Analysis of Bird Species. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 24(3), 439-446. Retrieved from https://veterinaria.org/index.php/REDVET/article/view/470