Factors Affecting the Trend in the Number of Chicken Eggs Produced in South Sulawesi
Purebred chicken eggs are highly consumed in Indonesia, making them a significant component of the country's diet. As the population grows and educational levels increase, there is a greater awareness among the public about the importance of nutrition and food, particularly the role of protein in everyday life. The demand for egg products in the Indonesian market remains consistently high due to their versatility in various food applications. Objective: This study examined the factors influencing trends in purebred chicken egg production. A comprehensive literature review was conducted, utilizing data from the Central Statistics Agency and reputable sources such as academic journals and authorized print and digital media. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive methods. Results: Purebred chicken egg yield has fluctuated over the past five years. Between 2018 and 2019, there was a significant increase of 27 % in egg production. However, there was a subsequent decline in both 2020 and 2021. The number of eggs produced experienced a modest growth of 6% from 2021 to 2022. Notably, this increase coincided with a surge in demand for purebred chicken eggs, suggesting that individuals rely on them to fulfill their animal protein requirements. Conclusions: The quantity of purebred chicken eggs produced in South Sulawesi is influenced by various factors such as fluctuations in egg prices, producer income, costs of raw materials (e.g., feed and seeds), market demand, and the occurrence of disease outbreaks. These elements collectively shape the region's production trends of purebred chicken eggs.
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