Assessing Reproductive Performance, Milk Yield, and Influential Factors in Dairy Cows: A Comprehensive Investigation into Productivity and Efficiency

  • Shilpa S. Ruikar, P. S. Salve, Jisha Annie G.
Keywords: Dairy cows, Reproductive performance, Milk yield, Productivity, Efficiency


The dairy industry is under constant pressure to enhance productivity and efficiency to meet growing global demand for dairy products. This study presents a comprehensive investigation into the reproductive performance, milk yield, and influential factors affecting productivity in dairy cows. Through a systematic review of existing literature and empirical data collection, we aim to provide insights that can inform management practices and improve overall efficiency in dairy farming operations. The reproductive performance of dairy cows plays a critical role in determining the sustainability and profitability of dairy operations. Factors such as age at first calving, calving interval, and conception rate significantly influence reproductive efficiency. Our analysis reveals the importance of timely insemination, proper nutrition, and health management in optimizing reproductive outcomes. Milk yield is another key determinant of dairy farm profitability. We explore various factors affecting milk production, including genetics, nutrition, management practices, and environmental factors. Our findings underscore the significance of balanced nutrition, genetic selection, and herd management strategies in maximizing milk yield while ensuring cow welfare and sustainability. Furthermore, we investigate the interplay between reproductive performance and milk yield, recognizing their interconnectedness in dairy cow productivity. Effective reproductive management not only ensures timely pregnancies but also influences lactation cycles and milk production.


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How to Cite
Shilpa S. Ruikar. (2024). Assessing Reproductive Performance, Milk Yield, and Influential Factors in Dairy Cows: A Comprehensive Investigation into Productivity and Efficiency. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1), 368 - 378. Retrieved from