Media Framing And Tourism Reporting In Jammu And Kashmir: A Content Analysis Of Newspaper Coverage

  • Ramiyan Bhardwaj
  • Yasir Ahmed
  • Dr. Jitendra Singh
Keywords: Tourism Reporting, Media Framing, Jammu and Kashmir, Content Analysis, Public Perception


This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the reporting on tourism topics in the Greater Kashmir and Daily Excelsior newspapers over a five-month period, guided by media framing theory to understand how different aspects of tourism are highlighted or modulated in media reports and their impact on public perception. A total of 926 articles were analysed using content analysis, categorized into ten major topics awards, individual personality, event or activity promotion, economic development, tourism authorities, economic indicators, health and safety, government policy, law and order, and statistics. The findings reveal a significant focus on health and safety (55.61%) and law and order (31.53%), reflecting the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and security concerns in J&K, while event and activity promotion received minimal coverage (6.69%), indicating a missed opportunity for positive tourism marketing. The monthly distribution of stories showed that May had the highest number of articles (217), while June had the fewest (151). Addressing the research gap in understanding how newspapers in J&K report on tourism-related topics, this study highlights the predominance of negative frames which can deter potential tourists, highlighting the need for a balanced approach that includes more positive stories about tourism activities, cultural events, and government initiatives. The implications of this study are significant for tourism authorities, media outlets, and policymakers, as understanding the media's role in shaping public perception can help stakeholders develop strategies to enhance the region's tourism appeal and address imbalances in coverage. Recommendations include increasing the coverage of event and activity promotion, striving for balanced reporting, collaborating with tourism authorities, and providing training for journalists in tourism reporting. In conclusion, this study contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between media coverage and tourism development in politically and socially complex regions like Jammu and Kashmir.

Author Biographies

Ramiyan Bhardwaj

Ph.D. Research Scholar, School of Liberal & Creative Arts (Journalism), Lovely Professional University, Punjab


Yasir Ahmed

Ph.D. Research Scholar, School of Liberal & Creative Arts (Journalism), Lovely Professional University, Punjab


Dr. Jitendra Singh

Associate Professor & HOD, School of Liberal & Creative Arts (Journalism), Lovely Professional University, Punjab


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How to Cite
Ramiyan Bhardwaj, Yasir Ahmed, & Dr. Jitendra Singh. (2024). Media Framing And Tourism Reporting In Jammu And Kashmir: A Content Analysis Of Newspaper Coverage. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 76-83. Retrieved from