Systematic Review Of The Impact Of Job Enrichment On Employee Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance And Turnover Intentions
Many organizations have implemented various strategies to motivate employees and improve job satisfaction. In the past, using job enrichment techniques uniformly was not relevant because many employees at the ground level were either illiterate or had lower levels of literacy. However, in today's context, most employees, from top to bottom, are well-educated. In the modern era, without appropriate motivational techniques and job satisfaction strategies, it is difficult to enhance employee performance and retention. This paper presents a systematic literature review and an overview of current research on the impact of job enrichment on employee motivation and job satisfaction. The paper also discusses employee turnover intentions and employee performance. Utilizing the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (PRISMA), this paper concludes that job enrichment has an impact on employee motivation, job satisfaction, employee performance, and turnover intentions. The recommendations outline the challenges of implementing job enrichment and provide solutions to address them.
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