Impact Of Balance On Daily Activities And Quality Of Life Of Children With Cerebral Palsy

  • Pooja Kaushik
  • (Dr.) S. K. Meena
Keywords: Brain, Cerebral Palsy, Children, Exercise, Mobility


There are various causes of cerebral palsy, a brain injury that impacts movement, posture, and balance, and it affects 1-2 out of every 1,000 live births. There are four types of movement disorders that can be associated with cerebral palsy: spasticity, dyskinesia, ataxia, and mixed/other. Among children with cerebral palsy, spasticity is the most prevalent movement disorder, affecting 80% of cases. Children with CP often struggle with functional balance due to their impaired postural control mechanism. Prior research on the topic of balance indicated that, in comparison to normally developing children, children with CP exhibited significantly worse static and dynamic balance reactions. Maintaining a stable and oriented body position is the goal of postural control. Enhancing postural control and balance requires core stability. One novel approach to strengthening muscles in a range of therapeutic contexts is whole-body vibration. Children with CP already struggle with mobility, participation, and ADL performance, and these balance issues made falls more likely. Children with cerebral palsy (CP) are among the many populations that have their functional mobility and balance evaluated using the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test. The present review highlights the importance of practising balance exercise for the children with CP.

Author Biographies

Pooja Kaushik
Phd Scholar Mahatma Gandhi Occupational Therapy College, Mahatma Gandhi University Of Medical Sciences & Technology Riico Institutional Area, Sitapura, Tonk Road Jaipur-302022
(Dr.) S. K. Meena
Principal Mahatma Gandhi Occupational Therapy College Mahatma Gandhi University Of Medical Sciences & Technology Riico Institutional Area, Sitapura, Tonk Road Jaipur-302022


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How to Cite
Pooja Kaushik, & (Dr.) S. K. Meena. (2024). Impact Of Balance On Daily Activities And Quality Of Life Of Children With Cerebral Palsy. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 320-323. Retrieved from