Brain Gym: An Emerging Occupational Therapy Practise

  • Ms Deepshikha Gupta
  • Dr Munish Kakkar
  • Dr. Surendra Kumar Meena


Cognitive function is known to be enhanced by exercise. While exercise is obviously important, the setting in which it takes place might be equally crucial. Regardless of age, Brain Gym is a fantastic resource for personal development because it facilitates quick transformations and enhances quality of life. Important benefits of brain gym exercise for the elderly include improved blood flow to the brain and body, less anxiety, balanced equilibrium through vestibular stimulation, improved mental health, and a diminished fight-or-flight response. In order for the body to comprehend the main behaviour and learn to coordinate the brain and entire body, the technique necessitates that the participant communicate through a sequence of activities. There are 26 basic motions in Brain Gym that are thought to enhance perception and stimulate the right hemisphere of the brain through neural re-modelling, allowing for better learning across the board. Behavioural issues, social difficulties, and intellectual burdens can be alleviated by finding ways to balance the two sides of the brain. This review demonstrates that regular Brain Gym training has a positive effect on academic performance. The abilities, which encompass numeracy, literacy, and spelling. Furthermore, this research delves into the numerous approaches taken by Brain Gym exercises and how they function to enhance learning capacities. Therefore, this study sheds light on how Brain Gym exercises improve learning and academic performance and points the way for future studies in this field.

Author Biographies

Ms Deepshikha Gupta

PhD Scholar, Occupational Therapy College, Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences and Technology

Dr Munish Kakkar

Professor & Head, Department of Paediatrics, Mahatma Gandhi Medical college, Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences and Technology

Dr. Surendra Kumar Meena

Principal, Occupational Therapy College, Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences and Technology


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How to Cite
Ms Deepshikha Gupta, Dr Munish Kakkar, & Dr. Surendra Kumar Meena. (1). Brain Gym: An Emerging Occupational Therapy Practise. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 324-329. Retrieved from