Magnetic Field Assisted Smart Nano Fluids for Electric Vehicle (EV) Performance Test for Defence Application

  • Amit Yadav
  • Kavita Lalwani
Keywords: Electric vehicle (EV), Regenerative braking system (RBS), Smart Nanofluid, Modelling simulation


Modern days electric vehicle (EV) technology is moving towards in the research and development area and also it can be more useful in upcoming years. The research paper is based on intelligent EV which is using smart nanofluid in its braking system. The smart fluid can substantially change the EV break, clutch and damping system. The EV moves through lot of obstacles in its path, the EV can adaptively change its position without getting disturbed to reach its destination. The regenerative braking system (RBS) is developed for EV using electrical energy storage system and run by brushless DC (BLDC) motor. While run-time of EV when it takes brake, the BLDC acts as a generator. A magneto-sensitive fluid (MSF) is a stable colloidal suspension of magnetic particles in a carrier fluid. A wide selection of liquid bases and magnetic particles is available: e.g.  hydrocarbons, fluorocarbons, esters, organometallics, polyphenol ethers; and magnetic particles like metallic oxides (Fe3O4, Fe2O3), metals and their alloys (Fe, Co, Ni). Brownian motion keeps the particles suspended indefinitely, so that there is no precipitation under gravity or a magnetic field. Because the particle concentrations are only about 3-10% by volume, there is little effect on the physical and chemical characteristics of the fluid. Particles are stabilized with an absorbent coating, and various proprietary fluids have been tailored using specific particles and liquid bases. At this time fluid will play vital role during stoppage it will be easier stability and more smooth braking of the system without disturbances (like slippage and too much time in stop). To provide a reliable and smooth braking regeneration system, the braking force distribution is realized through a soft computing technique. The EV experiment result confirms high capacity of the future smart nanofluid technology.

Author Biographies

Amit Yadav

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, RBSETC, Bichpuri, Agra, UP, India

Kavita Lalwani

Department of Physics, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India


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How to Cite
Amit Yadav, & Kavita Lalwani. (2024). Magnetic Field Assisted Smart Nano Fluids for Electric Vehicle (EV) Performance Test for Defence Application. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 517-523.