Numerical Analysis Of Hypersonic Drag Reduction On Blunt Bodies With Sharp Spike And Opposing Jet: A Flow Modification Cooling Technique
This study investigates the aerodynamic drag reduction of a blunt body in hypersonic flow using a combination of sharp spikes and counter-flow jets. Blunt bodies, commonly used in hypersonic vehicles, experience high drag and thermal loads due to the formation of strong bow shocks at their leading edges. Sharp spikes have been shown to push shock waves away from the body surface, while counter-low jets further weaken and displace these shocks by ejecting high-speed fluid in the opposite direction of the oncoming flow. The combined approach leverages the advantages of techniques, potentially offering greater drag reduction and improved thermal management than using either method alone. Numerical simulations were conducted using computational fluid dynamics tools to model the flow field around the blunt body with varying spike lengths, jet velocities, and flow conditions. In this analysis, air is injected from the tip of a sharp spike, with various opposing jet inlet conditions investigated under different pressure ratios. The study focuses on two L/D ratios, 0.5 and 0.7. The steady, compressible Navier-Stokes equations are solved using the classic SST (Shear Stress Transport) turbulent flow model for a zero angle of attack at Mach 8. The analysis demonstrates that air injection enhances the stability of the flow field by reducing flow separation and minimizing pressure oscillations around the blunt body. These findings highlight the potential of air injection at the aerospike tip as an effective method for improving the aerodynamic performance and stability of blunt bodies in high-speed flight conditions. The results indicated that without the jet, a drag of 0.77 was observed for an L/D ratio of 0.5. However, with the use of an air jet, drag reduction was found to be 0.116.Results demonstrate that the integration of sharp spikes and counter-flow jets can significantly reduce drag and heat flux, making this approach a promising solution for enhancing the performance and safety of hypersonic vehicles. The study provides insights into the optimal configuration of spikes and jets to maximize drag reduction and improve thermal protection, contributing to the design and development of next-generation hypersonic systems.
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