wCaWESA - weighted Capitalized Word Enhanced Sentiment Analysis Model
Sentiment analysis is a crucial task in natural language processing (NLP) that aims to determine the emotional tone of text. Traditional sentiment analysis models often overlook the impact of word formatting, particularly capitalization, on sentiment intensity. In informal communication, such as social media platforms, users frequently employ all-capitalized words to emphasize their emotions, signaling a heightened sentiment. This study introduces a novel model, weighted Capitalized Word Enhanced Sentiment Analysis (wCaWESA), which addresses this gap by explicitly accounting for the sentiment strength of capitalized words. The model assigns specific weights to capitalized words based on their frequency and context, enhancing the overall accuracy of sentiment analysis. By incorporating this additional layer of sentiment intensity, wCaWESA provides a more nuanced understanding of the emotional content in text, particularly in environments where informal and emphatic language is prevalent. The proposed model demonstrates significant improvements over existing approaches, making it a valuable tool for applications ranging from social media monitoring to opinion mining.
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