Linguistic Diversity And Educational Interventions In Odisha: A Framework For Integrating Language, Literacy, And Linguistic Human Rights

  • Smita Mohanty
  • Minakshi Prasad Mishra
  • Minakshi Prasad Mishra
Keywords: Linguistic diversity, Educational interventions, Linguistic human rights, Marginalized communities, Multilingual education policies


The study aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and opportunities stemming from linguistic diversity in educational settings in Odisha, India. It will focus on evaluating the effectiveness of multilingual education policies and the use of mother tongues as mediums of instruction, particularly in relation to their impact on marginalized communities. The research will also delve into the difficulties related to teacher recruitment and training, the efficacy of community-based literacy campaigns, and the enforcement of linguistic human rights in educational environments. The goal is to develop a framework for educational interventions that specifically address language, literacy, and linguistic human rights, aligning with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By shedding light on the pivotal role of linguistic diversity and inclusive education in achieving the SDGs, the study aims to contribute to sustainable development.

Author Biographies

Smita Mohanty

Research Scholar, OUTR

Minakshi Prasad Mishra

Asst. Professor, School of Basic Sciences and Humanities, OUTR

Minakshi Prasad Mishra

Asst. Professor, School of Basic Sciences and Humanities, OUTR


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How to Cite
Smita Mohanty, Minakshi Prasad Mishra, & Minakshi Prasad Mishra. (2024). Linguistic Diversity And Educational Interventions In Odisha: A Framework For Integrating Language, Literacy, And Linguistic Human Rights. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(1S), 910-917.