Prevention Of Stunting with The Edu-1000 Application In Pregnant And Breastfeeding Women In Kupang District
The prevalence of stunting has decreased compared to the previous 2 years. However, this reduction still does not meet WHO's target, namely the prevalence of stunting <20%, while the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia in 15 provinces is still above 20%. The prevalence of stunting rates in East Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia, based on SSGI results (2021), ranks first in Indonesia with a stunting rate of 37.8%, below the WHO target. The first thousand days of life (1000 hpk) is a golden period, because during this period very rapid brain development occurs, which supports the entire child's growth process perfectly. The aim of this research is to analyze stunting prevention with the edu-1000 first day of birth application in pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers in Kupang district. method. The research design used in this research is "one groups pretest-posttest design", namely a research design that includes a pretest before treatment and a posttest after treatment. results: the level of knowledge of pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers is very good, the majority of respondents have very good skills, namely 25 people (50%). Based on the results of data analysis, there is an influence between respondents' knowledge about stunting on stunting prevention attitudes as shown by (p-value 0.00 < 0.005), there is an influence between respondents' knowledge about stunting on stunting prevention skills as shown by p-value 0.02 < 0.005. Conclusion. Prevention of stunting with the edu-1000 the First 1000 days Life application can influence the incidence of stunting in pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers in Kupang district
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