An Experimental Study Was To Assess The Level Of Stress And Anxiety Among Staff Nurses In Selected Settings, Tiruvannamalai.

  • Ms. Abirami. S
  • Dr. S. Vasantha
Keywords: Hatha yoga, stress and anxiety.


Hatha yoga is an effective intervention for reducing stress and anxiety among staff nurse.This study was aim to evaluate the effectiveness of hatha yogain stress among staff nurses.The increasing prevalence of stress in health care settings need to incorporate the intervention to support staff wellbeing.The study was conducted involving 60 staff nurses.stress  levels were measured using modified stress assessment scale and anxiety using zung self rating anxiety scale.Nurse after intervention on hatha yoga training showed significant reduction in stress, anxiety and overall well being.

Author Biographies

Ms. Abirami. S
Research scholar BIHER ,Chennai
Dr. S. Vasantha
Principal , Bhaarath College of nursing,Chennai


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How to Cite
Ms. Abirami. S, & Dr. S. Vasantha. (2024). An Experimental Study Was To Assess The Level Of Stress And Anxiety Among Staff Nurses In Selected Settings, Tiruvannamalai. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(2), 209-213.