From Sin To Salvation: Norman Mailer’s Protagonists’ Survival And Evolution

  • Dr. Aparna Batra
  • Dr. Rashmi Bajaj
Keywords: pre-war, post-war, survival, evolution, strategy of survival, revolution consciousness, vision, global


American fiction has well captured and critiqued the ethos and essence of American scenario in both pre-war and post-war periods. Survival and evolution have been the pivotal concern of American novelists around which fiction of many a decades revolves. The major post-war novelists like Saul Bellow, Ralph Emerson and Joseph Heller have devised Strategies of Survival and have conveyed their vision through their protagonists. Norman Mailer’s avowed aim is “to bring about a revolution in the consciousness of our time”.This paper explores his ultimate vision and philosophy of Survival and Evolution as revealed in the acts and ideas of his fictional protagonists. The paper also underlines the contribution of Mailer’s  vision to American fiction, to American society and  to expanded global scenario.

Author Biographies

Dr. Aparna Batra

Head, Associate Professor Of English,  Adarsh P.G Mahila Mahavidyalaya , Bhiwani –Haryana                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


Dr. Rashmi Bajaj

Professor Of English, Faculty Of Humanities, Baba Mastnath University, Rohtak -Haryana


1.Adams, Laura. Existential Battles. Ohio University Press,1976,p.80.
2.Bloom,Harold ,editor. “Introduction.” Norman Mailer . Chelsea House Publishers,1986,p.5.
3. Bufithis,Philip. Norman Mailer. Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.,1978 ,p 73.
4.Ehrlich, Robert. Norman Mailer:The Radical Hipster, The Scarecrow Press, 1978, p.83.
5.Gutman, S.T . Mankind in Barbary: the Individual and Society in the Novels of Norman Mailer. University Press of New England, 1975, p.131.
6.Harold Bloom ,editor. “Introduction.” Norman Mailer . Chelsea House Publishers,1986, p.5.
7.MacConell,Frank D. Four Postwar American Novelists :Bellow,Mailer,Barth and Pynchon. Chicago University Press, 1977, p.61.
8. Mailer, Norman. The Naked and the Dead. Rineheart ,1948, p.189.
------------------. Barbary Shore. Rineheart and Company, 1951, p.290.
------------------.The Deer Park .G.P. Putnam’s Sons,1955.
------------------. Advertisements for Myself. G. ,P. Putnam’s,1959,pp.15,308-9,
------------------.The Art Of Fiction. xxxii ,The Paris Review, VIII ,Winter- Spring ,1964,pp.50,58.
------------------.The Presidential Papers. G.P.Putnam’s Sons, 1963,p.51.
----------------- .Why Are We in Vietnam ? G.P.Putnam’s Sons,1967, p.140.
------------------.The Armies Of the Night. Penguin Books,1970, p.32.
-----------------. Ancient Evenings. Macmillan,1983,p.283.
-----------------. Tough Guys Don’t Dance. Michael Joseph,1984 ,p.226.
8. Poirier,Richard. Norman Mailer . Edited by Harold Bloom.p.4.
9.Toback,James.“Norman Mailer Today.” Commentary , vol.44,no.4,oct.1967, p. 76.
10.Weinberg, Helen. The New Novel in America:The Kafkan Mode in Contemporary
Fiction .Cornell University Press,1970,p.128.
11.Wenke, Joseph. Mailer’s America. University Press of New England,1987,p.230.
How to Cite
Dr. Aparna Batra, & Dr. Rashmi Bajaj. (2024). From Sin To Salvation: Norman Mailer’s Protagonists’ Survival And Evolution. Revista Electronica De Veterinaria, 25(2), 421 - 425.