Documentation Of Ethnobotanical Knowledge Among The People Of Cumbummedu, Theni District, Tamil Nadu, India.
An ethnobotanical plant survey was conducted to explore medicinal plant knowledge and its use among the local people within the study area. The exploration of the ethnomedicinal survey includes 57 plant species belonging to 35 families practiced by the people of Cumbummedu, Theni district, Tamil Nadu, India. The traditional knowledge of individuals having reliable ethnomedicinal expertise within the drug’s formulation using available plants and its dosage practiced were documented. Data were collected through questionnaires also as informal personal interviews during the sector trips within the study area. These data were documented from Jan 2023 to July 2023. The collected therapeutic plants were mostly to cure skin ailments, jaundice, diabetes, headache, stomachache, wounds, and sexual disorders. The curative plants employed by the local population are systematized sequentially, by their plant name, nearby name(s), part(s) utilized, method of treatment and their related illness were documented. The conservation of the ethnomedicinal practices is essential so as to deal with the predominant illness.
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